Academic Open Internet Journal

Volume 13, 2004






 A. Rajeswari

  Electronics and Communication Engineering Department,

 Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore,India


  Electronics and Communication Engineering Department,

 PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India


Dr. A. Shanmugam

  Electronics and Communication Engineering Department,

Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India




Due to the demand for cellular wireless services, recent interests are in techniques, which can improve the capacity of CDMA systems. One such technique is multiuser detection. The purpose of this article is to present a selected survey of the published literature in the area of multiuser detection techniques. The topics include discussion on multiple access interference cancellation techniques both linear and nonlinear. Also a very brief note on complexity of the multiuser detectors is also presented.


Indexing Terms:  Code division multiple access, Multi user detection, Multiple Access   Interference.





Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) systems are very attractive for mobile communication applications because of their efficient use of the channel and their allow ness for nonscheduled user transmissions. Direct sequence (DS) CDMA is a method, which enables the users to share the same RF channel to transmit data simultaneously. The DS CDMA transmitter multiplies each user’s signal by a distinct code waveform.  The detector receives a signal composed of the sum of all users’ signals, which overlap in time and frequency. The detector receives a signal composed of the sum of all users’ signals, which overlap in time and frequency. In a conventional DS CDMA system, a particular users’ signal is detected by correlating the entire received signal with users’ code waveform. We will first review some important features of CDMA systems needed for discussion to follow.

DS CDMA systems are generally divided into synchronous and asynchronous systems. In synchronous systems, all users are synchronized at the chip level, i.e. the delays for all users are set to zero. In asynchronous systems, the delays are different for different users. An example of synchronous systems is TDD-mode and the FDD downlink in WCDMA. An asynchronous system is the FDD uplink in WCDMA.

Another important property in CDMA systems concerns the spreading codes, which can be either long or short. A short spreading sequence has a periodicity same as the symbol time whereas a long sequence is a pseudo random sequence. In short codes, the cross correlations remains unchanged over time. In a long code, the cross correlation changes from symbol to symbol. But the received signal in short code system is cyclo stationary, which is exploited, in several signal-processing algorithms.

            Another classification of the DS CDMA systems is that the receiver can be a linear or non-linear receiver. A linear receiver is one in which the soft decision is a linear function of the receiver. A non-linear receiver has a non-linear relation between the received signals. Furthermore, the DS-CDMA receivers are divided into single user and multiuser detectors. A single user receiver detects the data of one user at a time whereas a multiuser receiver jointly detects several users’ information. Single user and multiuser receivers are also sometimes called as decentralized and centralized receivers respectively. In its simplest form, the single-user detector is a matched filter to the desired signal. Other users’ signals are treated as noise (self noise). This self-noise limits the systems capacity and can jam out all communications in the presence of a strong near by signal (the near-far problem). The capacity is optimized when all users enter the base station at the same power level forcing the use of power control circuits in the terminal transmitters. Multiuser detection on the other hand demodulates all the signals at once and in so doing removes the self-noise components. This detection is therefore more near far tolerant, signal processing intensive and still a research item, and they promise to give a large-scale increase in capacity. They are more likely to be applied when the high bit rate options becomes available in 3G systems. Multiuser detection seeks to remove this MAI limitation by the use of appropriate signal processing.

The uplink is asynchronous and it uses long spreading codes. In the base station all the users data need to be demodulated. Multiuser detection is most suitable in the base station due to complexity and other reasons.



DS CDMA systems are very sensitive to the near far effect. To overcome the above drawbacks, there are five basic techniques to suppress MAI in CDMA systems  [1].

1. Channel Coding techniques

2. Power control

3. Smart antennas

4. Interference Cancellation and multi users detection techniques

5.  Any combination of the above

In [1], an overview of the most common strategies of multiuser detection can be found. Extensive references to relevant research work are found in the book of Verdu [2], where each chapter is ended with bibliographical notes. In 1986 Verdu proposed the novel idea that detection of CDMA signals should exploit the structure inherent in the MAI and not just treating it as noise [2]. With this notion, the conventional matched filter is no longer the optimal detector, and there is a class of multiuser detectors, which are able to reduce MAI and hence, lead to better performance. As a result, capacity of the system also increases. The interference suppression capability is however limited due to the non-zero cross correlation between the users.  Even if the number of users is few, there may be a near far problem when the user near the receiver overpowers those who are far away.         

In this paper, we concentrate on the fourth technique, namely interference cancellation and joint detection techniques. For future multimedia wireless cellular services, it is likely that the downlink will be the bottleneck, and hence, improvement in the uplink does not necessarily increase the overall system capacity. On the other hand, multiuser detection for synchronous CDMA is simpler in theory. This is the motivation behind the work done in this paper.


Conventional Matched Filter Detector

The simplest scheme to demodulate CDMA signal is to use the conventional matched filter detector, which is optimal in AWGN noise but is sub-optimal because the MAI does not necessarily resemble white Gaussian noise [2]. The received signal is passed through a bank of matched filters attached in Rake configuration that coherently demodulates and despreads each of the received paths [3]. The problem of this receiver arises from the fact that, even if the powers of all users are equal, some cross correlation among signals might still have high values due to different path delays. Therefore even by adjusting the power level using fast power control and selecting codes with low cross correlations, the performance of the matched filter receiver is limited and so is the capacity since, to maintain acceptable interference limits, the number of users have to be reduced. P.Rapajic and B.S.Vucetic [4] presented a receiver structure in which the bank of matched filters is replaced by an adaptive fractionally spaced LMS filter [5]. Prior to data transmission it is assumed that the receiver has been trained by a known training sequence, while an adaptive algorithm constantly adjusts it during data transmission. In [6] a bank of LMS filters replaces the user’s bank of matched filters attached to the RAKE. In this case channel estimates are also required making the existence of training sequences again necessary.


LINEAR Detectors


The Optimal detector

In [6] it is stated that the optimum detection problem may be solved using Viterbi algorithm.  It is also asserted that optimal detection in the case of an asynchronous system requires knowledge of the entire transmitted sequence of each user. Among the DS-CDMA detectors utilizing knowledge of the interferers the first is the detector proposed by Schneider in [7]. Here it is shown that optimal performance in synchronous situations requires estimates of all users for the bit period under consideration. The optimal multiuser detector for CDMA systems using Viterbi’s algorithm and assuming a perfect knowledge of the channel, is proposed by Verdu in the mid of 1980’s in [8-10].  The optimal detector developed in [9] by Verdu presents the optimal solution for the asynchronous case. It is shown that complexity per binary decision is O(2K-1) where K is the number of simultaneous users. For a large value of K, the practical implementation is very complex. This sparked intense research in DS CDMA systems. Although Schnieder predates Verdu in this area of multiuser detection, Verdu is seen to be the first to start research in this area. The important difference between Schneider’s and Verdu’s work is the simpler metric used in the latter.


Decorrelating Detector

The decorrelating detector suppresses the interference by finding a linear transformation such that the transmitted symbols for all users are completely recovered in the absence of noise. Although Schneider [6] studied decorrelator type receivers and erroneously claimed they were optimal with respect to bit error probability, this detector is attributed to Lupas and Verdu [11,12]. This is a simple scheme, which is optimal when the received signal can be fed into a bank of matched filters, each matched to the signature sequence of a different user.

The only source of interference is the background noise resulting in noise enhancement and poor performance in noise-limited environment. The decorrelating receiver has several similarities with the zero forcing equalizer. The asynchronous decorrelating detector has two steps [12]. First the MAI is removed while introducing the intersymbol interference (ISI). Second, zero forcing equalizer removes the ISI.


Other equalizers such as MLSE equalizer can also be used [13]. Sliding window approximations of the decorrelator for asynchronous systems are discussed in [14-16]. Here the basic idea is to apply the decorrelating principle on a window and neglect the edge effects. Once a symbol has been detected, the window is advanced to the next position.   If the sliding window size equals the symbol duration, the one shot decorrelator is got. In [15-16], a so called isolation bit insertion decorrelator has been discussed which inserts known bits between blocks of information bits in order to break up the full decorrelating problem into smaller ones.

One way of reducing the complexity of a decorrelating detector is to use a FIR filter, found by truncating the optimal decorrelating IIR filter. This concept is discussed in [17,18]. A quasi-synchronous approach has been discussed in [19]. Here, by ensuring that users are received synchronously, interference can be rejected without exact knowledge of the interfering user’s delays by projecting the received vector onto a line orthogonal to all time shifts in a small region of the interfering users’ spreading codes.

Adaptive versions of the decorrelating detector are discussed in [20-23]. One concluding remark on the decorrelator is the resemblance with adaptive antennas, where a similar technique is known as null steering [24]. Non-linear receivers employing decision feedback are proposed in [25]. Here the first user is demodulated by its decorrelating detector whereas other users subtract a linear combination of previous decisions from the whitened matched filter outputs. The decorrelating DFE detector is error-free when there is no noise. 


Linear MMSE Detector

A multiuser detector that is closely related to the decorrelating detector is the linear minimum mean square error detector. The multi user detection problem is converted into a linear estimation problem. The goal is to minimize the mean-square-error (MSE) between the user k’s bit and the output of the kth linear transformation. The MMSE detector approaches the conventional matched filter as noise tends to infinity.  As the signal-to-noise goes to infinity, the linear MMSE detector converges to the decorrelator. The important references to MMSE detectors are [26-27]. The probability of error analysis is discussed in [28] which has some discussions on the Gaussian approximation. The advantages of the adaptive MMSE receiver are that it requires no knowledge of the interference parameters and also it can completely suppress the narrow band interference while it adapts to the actual interference. The adaptive MMSE using the LMS algorithm is discussed in [27,29-31]. The performance of the adaptive MMSE receivers in fading channels is discussed in [32].



Interference cancellation detectors are based on the idea of canceling the MAI. There are basically two types: successive interference cancellation and parallel interference cancellation. Hybrids of these two are also possible.

Successive Interference Canceller

Successive interference cancellation (SIC) is based on that if a decision has been made about an interferer’s bit, then that interfering signal can be recreated at the receiver and subtracted from the received waveform. If the decision was correct, this would cancel the interfering signal otherwise, it will double the contribution of the interferer. After subtraction, the receiver treats the system as if there are one fewer user and the same process can be repeated with another interferer, until all but one user have been detected. When making a decision about the kth user, it is assumed that the decisions of users k+1, …, K are correct and the presence of users 1, …, k-1 are neglected. This has two advantages.

1.Cancels the strongest signal that causes the largest interference to other users.

2.Canceling the strongest signal has the minimum MAI since the strongest signal is excluded from its own MAI.

            Viterbi suggested the process of received signal by a successive interference cancellation scheme [33]. Later Dent et al. Proposed a SIC approach applied in the frequency domain according to which first users are detected and then their bins set to zero [34]. Patel and Holtzman extensively analyzed the SIC scheme [35] [36]. In [37] an SIC scheme is presented for non-coherent systems wherein the decoder is used for ranking the users. Cho and Lee [38] presented a combination of SIC and MMSE detector which gave a great improvement in the performance on the system.


Parallel Interference Canceller

Parallel interference cancellation (PIC) is an iterative technique: the nth stage of the detector uses decisions of the (n-1) th stage to cancel MAI present in the received signal, with the belief that reliability of the decisions will improve as it propagates through the stages. There is a class of multistage detectors, which use a bank of conventional matched filters as their first stage. Successive cancellation is used for all users in the subsequent stages. As the number of stages approaches infinity, the decisions of the detector do not converge to the optimum ones.      

The first reference for parallel interference cancellation is the multistage algorithm presented by Varanasi and Aazhang in [39]. Here the multistage algorithm is based on the concept of optimization process between complexity and performance. Kohono et al. presented a multistage PIC using hard decisions [40].

            Hui and Letaief [41] presented an improved multistage PIC scheme. Here sift decisions are applied when they exceed the threshold and hard decisions are applied at the next stage of cancellation to the output of the matched filter as long as their value is well below the threshold. Sanada and Wang [42] presented a PIC in error convolutional coded system, which is best, suited to data communication system because of the delay in the decoding process. Weighted cancellation for IC schemes are discussed in [43]. Further improved versions of PIC are discussed in [44]. DSP implementation of partial IC is discussed in [45] and a linear PIC structure that converges to MMSE solution is presented in the same paper. Finally Rasmussen et al. [46] described PIC using matrix algebra. Here a linear matrix filter is applied directly to the received chip matched signal vector. Hybrid IC schemes are proposed in [47] where a group-wise IC has been proposed where the K received signals are divided into groups, canceling the signals of a particular group simultaneously instead of one signal at a time. The merit of this scheme is that considerably delay and hardware reduction is got over conventional SIC and PIC.


Decision-Feedback Detector

The decision-feedback (DFE) detector is another type of non-linear detector. It combines many of the features from SIC and PIC. The common references are [25,26,37]. Basically these detectors are multiuser decision feedback equalizers with two matrix filters: a feedback filter and a forward filter. The outputs from the matched filter bank are sorted in descending order of magnitude and the feedback filter is chosen such that SIC is obtained. If the feedback filter is strictly triangular matrix with zeros along the diagonal it would treat the MAI.

Table 1 gives a comparison of different multiuser detection algorithms with respect to signature of different users, signature of interferers, timing of interferers, relative amplitudes and training sequences.    It is seen that different algorithms for multiuser detection require different knowledge about the user of interest and the interfering users.

Table 1 Assumed knowledge for multiuser detection algorithms


Multiuser Detector

Signature of desired user

Signature of interferers

Timing of desired


Timing of interferers

Relative amplitudes

Training sequence

Matched filter







Optimum multiuser







Optimum linear receiver














SIC & Multistage







Adaptive MMSE







a   Strict power control required for adequate performance

b Adequate performance with information about most powerful interferers only

  Symbol timing only may be adequate

             Y- Yes, N – No



The computational complexity of the detection is very important for both simulation and implementation. Multiuser detectors with high complex structures require very high-speed processors for implementation. The computational complexity per bit decision is given for the different multiuser detectors in terms of number of users K, the frame length Nb, the number of paths tracked i.e. Rake fingers L, the spreading factor N, the number of samples per chip Ns,  and the number of stages for the multistage receiver s [48]. Table 2 gives the computational complexity of the different multiuser detectors.

            In terms of complexity, it is shown in [48] that the decorrelator is extremely sensitive to the amount of the update required for the matrix inversion.  Between the two cancellation schemes, successive interference cancellation is overall less computationally intensive, but the parallel scheme is more flexible, allowing slower processors in parallel to perform the computation. These approaches can provide significant computational savings at the cost of memory storage requirements. The exact amount of savings will depend on the rate of update required for the correlation matrix.



Figure 1 illustrates the analytical performance of the multiuser receivers for the first user in AWGN with perfect power control [49]. As expected, Conventional MF receiver has the worst performance. It can be seen that the single user bound and the decorrleating decision-feedback detector share the same curve. This is because user 1 is the weakest user and therefore, the analytical performance of decision-feedback coincides with the single user bound. The probability of bit error of multistage parallel interference canceller is evaluated stage at s=3. It has better performance than linear detectors. The difference between them at Pb =10-4 is about 1dB. It is also seen that MMSE receiver generally performs better than decorrelator especially when signal-to-noise ratio is low. However, for high signal-to-noise ratios, it can only attain a very small performance improvement over the decorrelator. In fact, the main advantage of the MMSE detector over decorrelator is the ease with which it can be implemented adaptively



This article attempts to consolidate the published literature in the area of multiuser detection techniques in CDMA systems. Multi user detection is signal processing intensive and they promise to give a large-scale increase in capacity of present 3G and future generation wireless communication systems. However, the topics of adaptive multiuser detectors, neural network based and genetic algorithms based multiuser detection techniques are not presented in this article. A number of issues such as interference cancellation combined with smart antennas, which can potentially lead to further limitations, but could also produce useful complexity reduction, investigation of the impact of multiuser detection algorithms on other CDMA features, such as multicode or smart antennas should be studied that are as important themselves.

Table 2 Computational complexity of multiuser detectors




Computational Complexity

Per bit decision


Parallel Interference Cancellation

Successive interference Cancellation

Decision feedback detector


Figure 1. Analytical comparison of different multiuser detectors in AWGN channel



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